Ross Environmental Products Ltd manufacture and supply spill control products.

Ross Environmental Products Ltd recognises that we have a responsibility to our customers and employees to ensure that we have a clear labour standards policy.

Our ethical policy covers:

  1. Child Labour
  2. Right of collective bargaining
  3. Discrimination
  4. Health & Safety
  5. Remuneration
  6. Working Hours
  7. Slave Labour

The company policy is to comply with International Law, and to this end, the minimum labour standards are:

  1. CHILD LABOUR – The Company does not support the use of child labour.
  2. RIGHT OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING – We recognise this is a human right, employees have a collective say over pay issues, Equality & Health & Safety.
  3. DISCRIMINATION – The Company does not support any discriminating practices in hiring, remuneration, promotion, training based on race, political belief, religion or any other factor and operates on the basis of equal opportunities.
  4. HEALTH & SAFETY – The Company provides a safe and healthy working environment, in line with our Health & Safety policy. Sub-contractors must also run a Health & safety policy ensuring employees work in premises which are safe and provide access to clean sanitary facilities and drinking water.
  5. REMUNERATION – The Company complies with National Laws in the UK.
  6. WORKING HOURS – The company complies with the applicable laws on working hours and holiday entitlements. This applies to overseas contractors in the same way.
  7. SLAVE LABOUR – We do not support or tolerate forced or bonded labour including forced prison labour. Employees are free to leave upon reasonable notice.

Ross Environmental Products Ltd commits to making available sufficient resources to implement this policy as appropriate to the nature and scale of its operations. We also review this policy regularly to ensure continual improvement.

We ensure all key suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors are aware of this policy.

Signed: Chris Ross.
Position: Director.

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Unit 1B,
Cursley Distribution Park,
DY10 4DX

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(+44)01562 752299

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